
Saturday 7 January 2017

The Ordinary Advanced Retinoid 2% Review. My experience so far...

I know I've been absolutely awful with my blog and Instagram lately, I've just had things going on and also been having major bloggers block. I haven't been wearing much makeup lately actually which is why I haven't done a foundation review in ages. But I've been really good with my skincare routine lately and have enjoyed sporting plenty of makeup free face days. The Ordinary's Advanced Retinoid 2% is what I've incorporated regularly into my routine for the past few weeks, the results have been coming in and I've been dying to share them.

I'm not a major skincare buff but I do know my way around fairly well and can successfully pick and research suitable products and ingredients for myself that I know will work effectively for my specific skin health concerns. I like to use quality products with good ingredients and will invest in a product if I think it is right for me but would equally prefer that it doesn't break the bank and The Ordinary have provided us with just that. They caused quite a stir when they released their simple, to the point, clear cut skincare range with products starting from just £4, the priciest being no more than £14.90. Though with this range you've got to know your skin and know what ingredients and treatments it really needs. You won't find any exaggerated claims and advertisements here, but you will find specific ingredients/products made to tackle specific skin concerns and you've got to know how to use it/or a few and incorporate them into your routine effectively.

I picked up a few products from them the first time I ordered, the Niacinamide 10% + Zinc PCA 1% which reduces the look of blemishes and congestion, not necessarily to tackle acne or breakouts, I find I break out with this so haven't used this much. Also picked up the Buffet which is a peptide serum that tackles signs of ageing, I do like this serum, even though I haven't noticed any major results I use this am or pm as an additional yet necessary skincare benefit boost.

And finally the Advanced Retinoid 2%, the star product for me at the moment. Retinol is anti ageing and it can prevent as well as reverse skin damage and ageing, Retinoid is a gentler but just as effective version, I'm in my late 20's so I don't have any wrinkles but my skin isn't at its best, I have plenty of imperfections such as textural issues, pigmentation, fine lines and irregularities which make me look a bit dull and haggard and not very youthful. I was quite hesitant to use this at first as I'd only used Paula's Choice Antioxidant Serum with Retinol, which contains a mild retinol (1% I think) but I saw results with the PC never the less so I was equally curious to see how The Ordinary one (which is significantly cheaper) performed on me. I've heard a lot of horror stories where people have had to deal with bad reactions such as redness, flaking, breakouts and irritation and that it takes up to 6 months to really tell a difference but Alhumdulillah (praises to God) I didn't have any such reactions. I was feeling a little bit extra dehydrated than usual at the beginning but my serums, moisturisers, oils tackled that issue fine.

The Retinoid is a thin milky colour and consistency and absorbs really well into the skin, there is no scent or fragrance which I love, just an ever so slight chemical smell, I find it's quite softening on the skin and it leaves me with a nourished feeling and glow. So I use it only in the evening, I first cleanse and then tone with one of my Bravura Acid toners, then apply 5 dots of the Retinoid on my face and pat/massage it in, then follow it with the Buffet Serum and then lock it all in with my moisturiser, I do this routine every 2-3 days. Some days I'll follow their recommended routine which is cleanse, tone, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinoid, Oil and moisturiser, I like both routines but prefer the latter a bit more as its more nourishing but if I'm too tired then I'll do the first routine. One thing I will mention as a caution is that don't overdo it, last week I think I was using it too regularly and was noticing my pores looking a little bigger than usual, I researched it and it is a possible side effect, so a few drops every 2-3 days is as much as I'd use.

I think it was after a week or two when I really started to notice the difference in my skin. My skin just looked healthier, more refined, like someone was slightly tweaking my imperfections and irregularities with photoshop. My skin was also looking a lot more even, which I wasn't expecting at all! I was mainly using the Advanced Retinoid for my fine lines and textural issues which it was helping with as my forehead wasn't looking as dehydrated as it usually does. Don't get me wrong, I still have the darkness around my mouth but other places like my forehead which is a shade darker than my face was looking more balanced and even. It also seems to be helping keep my breakouts and texture at a minimum, it's only been a few weeks so I've still got time to see more results. I haven't been relying solely on the Retinoid for all my other problems such as spots, dehydration etc, I'm still using other products alongside the Retinoid to tackle those issues.

My sister and friend both commented on separate occasions that my skin was looking more even and healthy and that I could get away with just a tinted moisturiser. I did respond that I'm more of a medium coverage kinda gal LOL but that was more definite proof that my skin was responding well to the Retinoid and I wasn't just seeing things! It was definitely bringing that much needed youthfulness back to my skin, my skin still isn't perfect or flawless but it's definitely looking a lot better than it was alhumdulillah. I've been using this consistently for the past few weeks and I've just passed the top of the label so I know it'll last me long. I recommend this for those that have started seeing the beginning signs of ageing, or for those that feel that their skin is looking a little worse for wear or dreary and yearn for that youthfulness again.

One thing you must make sure if you're planning on using this is to use sunscreen! I always rave and recommend brilliant products to my close friends and family and they go off and buy it, use it and love it but I won't recommend the Advanced Retinoid to them because I know they won't use sunscreen and they won't acknowledge the importance of sunscreen when it comes to Retinols, even if I hammer it into them. So use your sunscreen and use the recommended amount, 1 teaspoon for the face and neck or 1/2 a teaspoon for just the face. Find a formula that works for your skin type, my favourite is the Boots Soltan Dry Touch Face Cream SPF30. You'll do more damage if you don't, Dr Marko Lens of Zelens skincare actually discourages the use of retinol in summer and he's a top dermatologist so that should make you realise if not understand the importance of sunscreen!

I've only begun using this and I've seen such wonderful results, I can only hope it continues that way,  I honestly love the affordability and effectiveness of this product, I am so so so grateful and thankful to Deciem and its founder Brandon Truaxe for making these products so budget friendly. I've since ordered more products and received them in the post yesterday, I picked up the Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA which sounds amazing, it's exactly what I've been looking for and exactly what my dehydrated skin and moisture barrier needs, the 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rosehip Seed Oil which I've been wanting for ages now as its a great oil for acne prone skin and at that price you can't beat it, the Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA which is for pigmentation issues, the High Adherence Silicone Primer and the High-Spreadability Fluid Primer which have already been highly raved about! I can't wait to start using them and I hope I get just as good results with all of them as I did with this. As always I hope this review was useful, I'll do an update to let you know how I get along in a few weeks time. Till then, Toodles!

The Ordinary. Clinical Formulas with Integrity.


  1. Hi Zahra, first of all I would like to mention even my daughter's name is Zahra :) I just had to mention that haha.
    I recently ordered few The ordinary products and I'm absolutely loving them. And after reading about the retinoid, I'm definitely making another purchase.

    Saman || Beautydetour

    1. Haha! Zahra seems to be a very common name, what other products have you been enjoying from The Ordinary? I'm loving the Rose Hip Seed Oil, Buffet and the NMF+HA and both the primers. Well worth the price!!

  2. Hi Zahra! I look forward to your review on the rest of The Ordinary products you just purchased! Awesome post!!

  3. Hi Zahra! I look forward to your review on the rest of The Ordinary products you just purchased! Awesome post!!

    1. Hiya! Thank you for reading and glad you enjoyed! I'm still in the process of testing some of them out but will do some reviews once I'm certain about how I feel about them. Xx

  4. Hi Zahra! Have you tried the Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA under makeup? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts if you have. Thanks!

    1. Hiya! Yes I have! I really like it, especially the ingredients list. I haven't really tried it underneath makeup though as I use the Natural Moisturising Factors at night time as it doesn't contain spf, though I think it'll work fine under makeup too. It's not overly emollient and sinks in really well. Hope this helps xxx

  5. Hi, just wanted to say I visit alot of sites when looking for makeup reviews but yours does the best reviews by far. I always refer to yours for foundation especially. I'm really wanting to try The Ordinary so thanks for this review also!

  6. Hi. May I know from where you got this product? Im living in Malaysia so Im not sure whether it can be purchased here.

  7. HI! Please could you review The Ordinary foundations? thank you xxx

  8. My favorite retinol products that I am using right now. Cleared up my skin ASAP:
