
Review: MAC Pro Longwear Foundation NC42

I've been collecting foundation samples recently, (so be prepared to see a few reviews come your way). One good thing about MAC stores is that they usually give you a decent sized sample to take home and try. I think foundation samples are the best way to know what's in the market and find out which brand, formula and shade works best for your skin....

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YSL Touche Eclat Foundation BD50 Review

Quick review for you guys. I recently picked up a rather generous sample of the infamous YSL Touche Eclat Foundation in the Shade BD50. I've heard so many great things about this foundation and this sample had so many uses that I can easily say that I have gotten to know this beauty very well and can share my honest thoughts with you....

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acne marks

My Skincare Routine December 2014 : The SUNSCREENS

Sunscreen, one of the least elaborated topics when it comes to skincare, everybody wails on and on about how important it is but no one wants to discuss it enough. Sunscreen for me personally has been difficult and I am quite fussy when it comes to sunscreen as I suppose most people are. I don't like layering products ontop of products and prefer...

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